
Unitalen Honored in Multiple Lists of MIP "IP STARS 2022"

August 23, 2022

Recently, various lists of "IP STARS 2022" selected by the internationally well-known intellectual property media Managing Intellectual Property (MIP) have been released one after another, and Unitalen has been honored in the recommended list of 5 fields including "patent litigation", "patent application", "trademark litigation", "trademark application" and "copyright business" in IP STARS.

At the same time, the selection results of MIP global intellectual property individual awards have also been announced. Attorneys LI Deshan, SUN Changlong, HOU Yujing and WU Shuchen won MIP 2022 IP Stars for their outstanding performance and high influence in their respective fields, and attorney HOU Yujing was also selected into the list of "2022 Outstanding IP Women"!



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