
Unitalen Law Office Honored in the "List of China's Excellent Intellectual Property Agencies in 2020-2021"

August 23, 2022

Recently, the "List of China's Excellent Intellectual Property Agencies in 2020-2021" was officially announced. With its long-term outstanding performance in the field of intellectual property and outstanding ability to handle difficult cases, Beijing Unitalen Law Office stood out from more than 400 intellectual property agencies and was honored as a "Top 10 of China's Excellent Intellectual Property Agency Trademark Administration List".

In addition, Beijing Unitalen Law Office was honored as a "Top 50 Excellent Agencies in China's Intellectual Property Service in 2020-2021". With its stable comprehensive strength, excellent professional services and excellent achievements, Unitalen has been widely recognized by the industry and has been listed in the "Top 50 Excellent Agencies in China's Intellectual Property Service in 2020-2021"!



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