
Attorney ZHAO Lei, Senior Partner of Unitalen, Was Invited to Attend the "China Trademark and Brand Protection Digital Forum" and Delivered Keynote Speech

October 24, 2022

In the morning of September 15, 2022, the "China Trademark and Brand Protection Digital Forum and the China Trademark Association Digital Working Committee Inauguration Ceremony" hosted by the China Trademark Association was held in Beijing. The theme of this forum was "the new trend of integration of digitization and professionalization of trademark and brand protection in the new era". Attorney ZHAO Lei, senior partner of Unitalen, was invited to attend the forum and give a keynote speech.

At this forum, the Digital Working Committee of China Trademark Association was formally established. Unitalen Intellectual Property was selected as one of the first members of the Digital Working Committee, and attorney ZHAO Lei was appointed as a member of the Digital Working Committee.



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