
China's Innovation Index Hits New High in 2021

December 26, 2022

According to the calculations of the China Innovation Index Research group of the Social Science, Technology and Cultural Industries Statistics Division of the National Bureau of Statistics in China (NBS), China's innovation index in 2021 reached 264.6 (based on 100 in 2005), representing an increase of 8.0% over the previous year, and maintained a growth trend for 16 consecutive years.

It was reported that China's innovation index is calculated from 20 evaluation indicators in four fields: innovation environment, innovation input, innovation output and innovation effectiveness. In 2021, the indexes in the four fields reached 296.2, 219.0, 353.6 and 189.5 respectively, representing an increase of 11.3%, 4.4%, 10.6% and 2.8% respectively over the previous year. Among them, the five evaluation indicators and indexes in the field of innovation output that reflects the intermediate output results of innovation have all achieved growth, respectively, the index of patent authorization per 10,000 R&D personnel increased by 16.2%, the index of technology market turnover per 10,000 scientific and technological activity personnel increased by 16.2%, the index of trademark ownership per 100 enterprises increased by 13.6%, the index of scientific and technological papers per 10,000 people increased by 4.2%, and the index of proportion of invention patent authorizations to the patent authorizations increased by 3.5%.

(Source: China Intellectual Property News)



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