
Unitalen Continue to Win Several Awards from Asia IP 2022 China IP Awards, and Several Partners Included in the List of "IP Experts TOP 100 CHINA" in 2022

December 26, 2022

Recently, Unitalen won the honorary medals from Asia IP 2022 China IP Awards. In the four fields of "patent litigation", "patent prosecution", "trademark litigation" and "trademark prosecution", Unitalen was selected into the list of China's IP annual leading firms and was awarded the "Beijing Firm of the Year"!

Additionally, Asia IP announced the 2022 list of the "IP Experts TOP 100 CHINA", and five partners from Unitalen, Li Deshan, Huang Ying, Zhao Lei, Pan Wei, Zheng Yi, were listed in the top 100 because of their high-quality professional services and the general recognition from domestic and foreign industries and customers!



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