
New Patent Business Handling System of CNIPA Officially Launched on January 11, 2023

February 24, 2023

On January 11, the CNIPA launched a brand-new Patent Business Handling System, providing an efficient and convenient "one-stop" handling platform for patent applications, PCT international patent applications, international applications for design, and other businesses.

The newly launched Patent Business Handling System integrates and optimizes several business systems, such as electronic patent applications, online supplement and management of patent payment information, patent affairs services, PCT international patent applications, and international applications for design, and improves user experience by providing web versions, as well as mobile and client terminals. After completing the user's registration information and logging in through the unified identity authentication platform, a registered user can submit various patent applications and requests for patent reexamination and invalidation announcement, receive various electronic notifications, decisions and other documents issued by the Patent Office of the CNIPA, pay patent fees, go through patent legal procedures and patent affairs services and the like.

The system integrates the payment system, adds functions such as bill service, fee query, temporary storage, and supports multiple payment methods; adds patent evaluation reports and withdrawal of patent applications in batches, and other batch businesses, reduces the operation frequency of applicants, and improves the efficiency of business handling; extends the scope of data automatically transmitted with domestic and foreign organizations to promote more data transmission and less trouble for the masses.

(Source: website of CNIPA)



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