
Notice on Trial Operation of the New China and Global Patent Examination Information Inquiry System

April 10, 2023

In response to the requirements of the State Council regarding deepening the reform of "simplifying procedures, decentralizing powers, combining decentralization with appropriate control, and optimizing services" and in order to further provide the public with efficient and convenient patent inquiry services, the new China and Global Patent Examination Information Inquiry System was launched officially at 12:00 on February 1, 2023 and began trial operation.

Based on the cloud platform infrastructure and the technical architecture of "platform + module" and microservices, the new inquiry system can flexibly allocate resources and respond to users' on-demand access in a timely manner, thereby effectively improving the inquiry efficiency. Meanwhile, the new inquiry system supports fuzzy query of invention titles and applicants, which can effectively improve the accuracy and completeness. It also adds new functions such as inquiries concerning the filing of patent licensing contracts, registration of patent mortgage contracts, and patent open license declarations, so as to meet the corresponding inquiry needs of users and provide more convenient inquiry services.

During the trial operation, please visit the new China and Global Patent Examination Information Inquiry System (https://cpquery.cponline.cnipa.gov.cn) for inquiries of information of business handled recently, and visit the original system (http://cpquery.cnipa.gov.cn) for inquiries of information of business handled before the trial operation. If you encounter any problem during this period, please call 010-62356655 for consultation.


February 1, 2023

(Source: CNIPA website)



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