
"Case on Invalidation of Patent for Invention of International Textile Group, INC," Represented by Unitalen Successfully Selected Among Top 10 Typical Cases of Patent Authorization and Confirmation by the Beijing Intellectual Property Court

June 29, 2023

Recently, the Global Forum on Intellectual Property Protection and Innovation, a parallel event of the Zhongguancun Forum, was successfully held at the Exhibition Center of Zhongguancun Science Park. At the forum, the Beijing Intellectual Property Court released ten typical cases of patent authorization and confirmation, among which the case on invalidation of patent for invention of International Textile Group, INC represented by Unitalen was successfully selected.

The Beijing Intellectual Property Court deems that the case on invalidation of patent for invention of International Textile Group, INC is one of the few cases in judicial practice that claims inventiveness on the ground of the achievement of "unexpected technical effects" and is supported by the court. It has important reference value for patents that emphasize inventiveness based on technical effects.



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