
Unitalen Selected on "IAM Patent 1000" List for 9 Consecutive Years, and 3 Partners on the Outstanding Individual Recommendations List

August 28, 2023

Recently, the international authoritative intellectual property media IAM (Intelligent Asset Management) announced the selection results of the "IAM Patent 1000" in 2023. With outstanding performance in the patent field and widespread recognition from customers, Unitalen has been on the list of the annual recommended firms in the fields of "patent right verification" and "patent litigation" for 9 consecutive years. At the same time, vice president LI Deshan, a partner of Unitalen, was awarded with an outstanding individual in the fields of "patent litigation" and "patent right verification", while vice president LI Yang and Dr. PAN Wei, both being partners, were on the outstanding personal recommendations list with glory in the field of "patent right verification".



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