
8th Xuhui Binjiang Rule of Law Forum Successfully Held, Unitalen and Its Multiple Lawyers Awarded the "Brand Star of Intellectual Property Legal Services (2023)"

September 22, 2023

On August 18th, the 8th Xuhui Binjiang Rule of Law Forum was grandly held at the Renaissance Hotel in Caohejing, Xuhui District, Shanghai. Beijing Unitalen Law Firm participated in this forum as a co-organizer.

At the forum, the organizer, Legal Vision, released the Guidelines for Excellent Intellectual Property Legal Services Brands (2023) for the first time. Based on declaration and investigation, in combination with comprehensive information from expert review meetings, peer evaluations, customer evaluations, and other sources, the Legal Vision "Brand Influence Law Firm" and "Brand Star" lawyer honors in the intellectual property professional field for the year 2023 were ceremoniously awarded based on professional services and brand performance. Beijing Unitalen Law Firm was selected into the list of "Brand Influence Law Firm" list by virtue of its outstanding comprehensive strength and rich litigation experience. The director and partner of Unitalen Law Firm, lawyer LI Yongbo, and partner, lawyer YAN Chunde were awarded the honorary title of "Authoritative Lawyer", the partner, lawyer HOU Yujing, was awarded the honorary title of "Master Lawyer", and the official account of "Unitalen Attorneys At Law" was awarded the "Professional We-Media Influence Award".



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