
The CNIPA Will Implement the New RMB Standard for Fees of PCT Applications in the International Phase from January 1, 2024

February 29, 2024

In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding on the Remittance of Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Fees between the CNIPA and the WIPO, the CNIPA will collect the fees of PCT applications in the international phase on behalf of the International Bureau of the WIPO according to the RMB standard published by the WIPO.

I. The RMB standard implemented from January 1, 2024

According to the RMB standard for fees of PCT applications in the international phase to be effective as of January 1, 2024, published by the WIPO, the CNIPA will collect the fees of PCT applications in the international phase according to the following standard:

The standard for fees of PCT applications in the international phase (amount unit: RMB Yuan)

(I) The international application fees collected on behalf of the International Bureau

(II) The formality fee collected on behalf of the International Bureau: 1600

If the standard needs to be adjusted due to excessive exchange rate fluctuations, it will be published at another time.


II. Range of Application

This standard applies to the international application fee for PCT applications submitted to the CINPA and received after January 1, 2024 (included) and the formality fee for the requests of PCT international preliminary examination received after January 1, 2024 (included).

In addition to the fees collected on behalf of the International Bureau, the standard for fees, such as search fee, charged by the CNIPA will remain unchanged. For details, please refer to the Standard of Fees for Patents and Integrated Circuit Layout Design published on the CNIPA website.

(Source: website of the CNIPA)



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