
Unitalen Won the Award of "2023 Outstanding IP Service Team in China"

February 29, 2024

On January 27, "the 14th China IP International Annual Forum & 2024 Annual Conference of In-house IP Managers" was successfully held in Beijing. This Annual Forum was themed "Pressing ahead with harmonious symbiosis," and significant annual awards were announced. Unitalen continued to win the "2023 Outstanding IP Service Team in China" award for its superior service, superb business capabilities, and outstanding team cohesion.



洮南市| 含山县| 延庆县| 西宁市| 南昌市| 鲜城| 蒙山县| 大埔县| 永和县| 巴塘县| 武冈市| 高密市| 博爱县| 阳春市| 修水县| 富宁县| 定南县| 上杭县| 神农架林区| 吉首市| 本溪市| 山丹县| 钦州市| 谢通门县| 阿城市| 昌都县| 金乡县| 大名县| 加查县| 佛冈县| 阳原县| 宝山区| 汉沽区| 临猗县| 湾仔区| 河间市| 安溪县| 庄河市| 葫芦岛市| 碌曲县| 长垣县|