
A Case Represented by Unitalen Selected as the Typical Cases of Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Jilin Province in 2023

May 21, 2024

On April 23, the High People's Court of Jilin Province held a press conference to release the status of intellectual property judicial protection and typical cases of Jilin courts to the public. The "Intellectual Property and Competition Dispute Case between Qian Guo County's Grain Co., Ltd., Qian Guo County's Cooperative, Xichang City's Grain and Oil Business Department, Butuo County's Grain and Oil Shop, and Li XX, Da'an City's Grain and Trade Co., Ltd." represented by Unitalen is selected as a typical case. This case was also selected as one of the 50 Typical Cases of Chinese Courts in 2023, newly released by the Supreme People's Court.



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