
Joint Statement on a 10 Year Vision for IP Cooperation among China, Japan and Korea

July 3, 2024

On May 27, 2024, the leaders of the Republic of Korea, Japan, and the People's Republic of China, convened in Seoul, Republic of Korea, on the occasion of the Ninth Trilateral Summit.

The leaders of the three countries instructed that over the next decade:

1. The three offices (the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), the Japan Patent Office (JPO), and the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)) establish an IP (Intellectual Property) system that can accommodate and embrace fast-changing technologies;

2. The three offices make joint efforts to enhance public accessibility of patent information and encourage utilization of patent information by the private sector; and

3. The three offices strive to expand IP cooperation beyond the three countries to include other countries or regions in order to share the valuable achievements that the three offices have made together in pursuit of "Trilateral + X" IP Cooperation.

Full text attached: Joint Statement on a 10-Year Vision for Trilateral IP Cooperation

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)



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