
Unitalen Selected into "MOZLEN 500" Top 10 of China Professional Foreign-related Trademark Agencies in 2024 with Ranking Level of "AAA+++"

July 3, 2024

On May 19 Beijing Time, during the INTA Annual Meeting 2024 in Atlanta, the United States, Mozlen released the global list of MOZLEN 500 2024 of China Foreign-related Trademark Agencies. Among nearly 40,000 trademark agencies registered with the CNIPA, Unitalen Attorneys at Law ranked "TOP 10" in the Comprehensive Ranking of China's 500 Foreign-related Trademark Agencies and was rated "AAA+++" (the highest level). With the outstanding performance in business rankings in many key countries, Unitalen received important recommendations: U.S., South Korea, Japan, U.K., France, Italy, etc.



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