
Unitalen Honored in the Managing Intellectual Property IP STARS 2024 List in the Trademark Field, and Multiple Partners Awarded IP STARS "Patent Star" & "Trademark Star"

July 3, 2024

Recently, Managing Intellectual Property (MIP), an international authoritative IP media, released the list of "IP STARS 2024" in the trademark field, and Unitalen has been honored in the recommended list of "trademark application" and "trademark dispute" fields in IP STARS.

At the same time, MIP also released the list of Leading Practitioners of IP STARS in 2024. Vice president LI Deshan, attorneys WU Shuchen, HOU Yujing, and SUN Changlong, all partners at Unitalen, are awarded "Patent Star" & "Trademark Star" of 2024 IP STARS, respectively.




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