
Sino-ROK FTA Negotiation Contents Will Cover the Field of Intellectual Property

November 3, 2012

On November 1, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT) FTA negotiation representative Mr. Choi Kyung-lim said that China and South Korea held Sino-ROK FTA Fourth Preparatory Work Meeting during October 30-November 1 in Kyung City in ROK. On the meeting, Sino-ROK experts in the field of intellectual property reached an agreement on including the field of intellectual property into FTA negotiation. This Preparatory Work Meeting decided to establish a working group to discuss basic principles and technical issues of negotiations since the 5th Preparatory Work Meeting.

Sino-ROK FTA Fifth Preparatory Work Meeting will be held in China, Ministry of Commerce of P.R.C Yu, Jianhua (Assistant to Minister) and Choi Kyung-lim of ROK will attend the meeting as chief representatives of the two countries.



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