
P.R. China, Japan and South Korea Decided to Strengthen Cooperation in Order to Reduce the Patent Disputes

November 14, 2012

According to news released from Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), the “12th Meeting of Directors of ROK, P.R. China and Japan Intellectual Property Offices" was held on November 7 in Wuxi, China. Three countries reached a consensus on preventing patent disputes in the region, strengthening cooperation with ASEAN member countries, and decided to set up a Patent Examination Experts Commission, to accelerate discussion on unified patent system and to strengthen joint examination of patents, etc. From the next session, “Meeting of Directors of Korea, P.R. China and Japan Intellectual Property Offices " will allow intellectual property user groups to participate in order to reflect the demand in the region. The Director of Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) said that 50% of global patent applications were handled by ROK, P.R. China and Japan, trilateral cooperation is an important East Asian platform for the development of global intellectual property system , and disputes will be reduced by strengthening cooperation in the future.



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