
Hisense allege that its trademark was maliciously registered overseas by Siemens

November 15, 2004
Hisense allege that its trademark was maliciously registered overseas by Siemens
Recently, China Hisense Company allege that they will probably sue the German company Siemens because one of Siemens’ sub company has maliciously registered the Hisense trademark in Germany for as long as 5 years.

Because of this, Hisense has to use a new back up trademark for Europe “Hsense” in Germany.

The vice present of technical innovation and intellectual property in Hisense Mr. Guo Qingcun said: “there are many ways to win back our trademark. Lawsuit is one of them.”

According to Hisense, Bosch-Siemens Corporation, the company that registered their trademark, is a company founded by Bosch and Siemens with 50% share from each side. In 1999, Bosch-Siemens Corporation registered the “HiSense” trademark in Germany. In the registered trademark, the only difference is in the letter “S”. In Siemens’ registered trademark, the letter “S” is capitalized while in the original Hisense’s trademark, it is not. When Hisense found it out, they tried to buy the trademark. However, the several to million Euros high price offered by is absolutely unacceptable to Hisense.

In the past few years, the sides negotiated back and forth for several times but have not achieved any result.



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