
Volkswagen sued over infringement of copyright claimed compensation RMB 1 million.

November 12, 2004
Volkswagen sued over infringement of copyright
August 11, Wu Yue, a freelance advertiser, sued Volkswagen AG Germany, FAW-Volkswagen, and Shanghai Lingshi Advertising Co. Ltd. over infringement of copyright. As the first law case between a Chinese citizen and multinational companies under the background of China’s entry of WTO, this case has deep social implications.

On November 11, the People’s Second Medium Court in Beijing held a hearing for this case.

According to Hao Yunfeng, attorney of Beijing Zhengtai Attorney Office, the representative of the plaintiff, out of his enthusiasm for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Wu Yue generated his original advertising idea of joining the four Audi rings with the five Olympic rings in 2003. In September of the same year, this advertising idea, having been developed and finalized in manuscript, was named “Advertising Creation of Audi Brand”. In October 2003, Wu Yu submitted the above-mentioned manuscript to the Beijing Office of Shanghai Lingshi Advertising Co. Ltd., and later a supplementary manuscript to the same office. Wu Yue found that, during October 30, 2003 and July 2004, the three advertisements that Shanghai Lingshi Advertising Co. Ltd. published for advertising of various models of Audi cars for Volkswagen AG Germany and FAW-Volkswagen in the “Automobile Times” of a newspaper are similar to his advertising creation. Since the plaintiff has infringed his legal right, he appeals to the Court to order the plaintiff to stop infringement, apologize in newspaper, compensate him work utilizing fee of RMB1,000,000, and pay for lawsuit charges.



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