
Unitalen Enlisted in Gold Band in 2014 WTR 1000

January 4, 2017

World Trademark Review (WTR), the renowned global IP media, has recently published the list of 1000 global trademark law firms for year 2014. The list includes the top 1000 trademark law firms and ranks well-known firms and individuals with overall strength and expertise through the analysis of survey data collected from the firms and professionals in all countries/regions. Unitalen is found in Tier 1 of Gold band in China for the comprehensive strengths in trademark, also it is among the Top 3 in trademark filing and trademark strategies for years of advantages recognized.

According to WTR, Unitalen is highly recognized for being adequate for filing huge amount of trademark applications and the recent famous “Sany” well-known trademark protection case proves its outstanding trademark filing strengths. In addition, WTR provides brief introduction to Unitalen’s attorneys, Ms. Dan Chen, Ms. Ying Huang and Mr. Yongbo Li, whose professional strengths and services quality were positively reviewed by the clients. 



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