
Unitalen Enlisted in Tier 1 by Asia IP

January 4, 2017

In the list of leading IP firms in Asia published by the Asia IP Profiles (AIP), Unitalen is among the best in terms of its undisputed strength in intellectual property. Unitalen was ranked among Tier 1 for trademark applications, litigation and copyright protection, among Tier 2 for patent applications and litigation.

According to AIP, Unitalen is a prestigious IP law firms, a best choice for businesses ranging from startups to Fortune 500. The firm represented Tencent and won the anti-unfair-competition case against Qihoo, which had been in spotlight among the media, shall has added more momentum to the firm’s growth. Mr. Deshan Li is the main contact for the firm.

AIP focuses on the intellectual property area of Asia. The survey is based on an analysis of Asian regional offices and professionals' survey data, which is authoritative and informative.



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