
Unitalen attended the 2014 China International Trademark ? Brand Festival, awarded with "2012-2014 Outstanding Trademark Agency"

December 10, 2014

The 2014 China Trademark Festival sponsored by China Trademark Association was held on November 8 -10 in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. Unitalen President Bradley Yu was invited to attend and was awarded with the "2012-2014 Outstanding Trademark Agency ".

The "2014 China Trademark Association Outstanding Member Agency Award" was initiated in September 2014 by China Trademark Association, evaluating by three time periods from January to August in 2012, 2013 and 2014, based on the number of trademark registration, opposition and assessment agented by the applicant, typical and successful cases, the number and amount of money involved, financial condition and social responsibilities. After rounds of initial evaluation, re-evaluation and announcement, 50 outstanding agencies were selected, Unitalen was among the final selection with stable development and excellent overall strength. Awarding Unitalen and other 50 agencies was an important matter of the China International Trademark Brand Festival.

In addition, in the 20th anniversary of China Trademark Association, Unitalen won the "Unit Contribution Award", and the President Bradley Yu won the "Individual Contribution Award".



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