
With Original Intention in Mind, We Keep Moving Forward Unitalen Revisited Unitalen Hope Primary School in Qingquan Village of Zhaqu Township

November 16, 2014

On October 9th, entrusted by Unitalen Attorneys At Low., Shi Shuhuan, the chief of Unitalen President Office, came to the Unitalen Hope Primary School in Qingquan Village of Zaqu Township, which was constructed by Unitalen, to understand the learning and living conditions of children, bringing their long-wanted gift: 20 sets computers. The leadership of China Youth Development Foundation, Henan Provincial Youth League and Neixiang County visited the children together.

That day, Shi Shuhuan transmitted the computers to the principal, and presented a plaque of love. The children were excited, playing performances for the visitors like celebrating a festival. The sign language exercise- "Grateful Heart" expressed their gratitude for the care from all walks of life, and the student representative also presented pure rustic paintings to Unitalen.

The delegation had brief discussion with the staff representatives of the school, to understand the situation and difficulties of Zaqu Township and the person in charge of the school, saying it would continue to pay attention to and support the development of the school and children's learning.

In 2011, Unitalen invested 360,000 yuan in a joint investment with Neixiang County Education And Sports Bureau and the township government to build Unitalen Hope Primary School in Qingquan village, with a new teaching building of 685 square meters, a playground of 1125 square meters, two wells and 1,000 square-meters campus, which solved the teaching and living problems for teachers and students. After the Hope Primary School was completed, the school looks brand new, with more than 280 students currently, of whom more than 80 accommodate at school, greatly solving the problem of attending school of the three surrounding villages.

Since its incorporation, Unitalen has invested a total of more than 6 million yuan in active participation in the construction of Hope Primary School, Wenchuan Earthquake, Yushu Earthquake and other public welfare undertakings, persistently building a new Hope Primary School in China every year, with 10 schools completed so far. In the future, Unitalen will revisit these schools for sustained attention to the learning and growth of children, understanding the real needs of schools and children, to provide the most effective help. With our original intention in mind, we keep on moving forward on the journey of philanthropy.



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