
The 2013 List of Professional Articles Published was Released; Unitalen Ranks The Top Again in The Category of Social Organization

October 20, 2014

Recently, the website of SHIPA released its 2013 annual statistical analysis of articles published in law core journals and IPR professional journals, and Unitalen was once again the NO.1 in the social organization category with 29 articles published in the year.

The 2013 annual report made statistics of the number of articles published in the core journals and professional journals by different agencies respectively, ranking based on the number and dividing the agencies into four categories of research institutes, judicial system, government departments and social organizations, to eventually form this list. Following its top rank in the list of professional journals by professional services in 2012, Unitalen ranks the first again in the category of social organizations this year.

Besides its focus on professional standards of its employees, Unitalen pays more attention to the theoretical research level of its agents and lawyers, publishing 1-2 IPR professional books each year, encouraging IPR experts to publish academic articles in IPR media and professional journals, for in-depth study and exploration of theory and practice of the industry, creating the atmosphere of mutual learning and joint discussion for academic practice and development of the industry.



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