
Unitalen Co-hosted 2017 INTA Pre-Annual Meeting Reception

May 2, 2017

On the afternoon of February 24th, the 2017 INTA Pre-Annual Meeting Reception jointly hosted by INTA (International Trademark Association), Unitalen Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd. and Unitalen Attorneys at Law was successfully held in Beijing. Representative from INTA Singapore Office, Co-Chairman of INTA China Global Advisory Council, INTA members, scholars, lawyers, and representatives from over 50 businesses and IP offices attended the event.

The reception started with a seminar on the hotspots of current China IP issues and strategy analysis. An IP court judge was invited to introduce the new development on trademark related administrative litigations; professor and director of Zhongguancun IP Strategy Research Institute analyzed and shared his views on trademark development; and Unitalen lawyer gave analysis on internet related unfair competition cases.



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