
Two Unitalen Attorneys Continued to Hold MIP “IP Stars” Title

July 13, 2017

Managing Intellectual Property (MIP), an authoritative IP reference, published a list of "IP Stars" in 2017, by virtue of their high influences and outstanding professional performance. Unitalen deputy director, Li De Shan, and senior partner, Li Yongbo, received this award in their respective fields. This is the third year for these two professionals being selected in the list since 2015 and 2016.


MIP magazine has published the annual survey of global leading IP firms for more than 20 years, which was conducted by reviewing the most influential IP cases and transactions in each country and region, combined with the feedbacks and opinions  collected from thousands well-known legal professionals and industry experts through questionnaires, e-mails, telephone interviews and meetings etc., to publish the annual rankings law firms, outstanding IP institutions and teams, figures and many other lists. It is regarded as one of the most comprehensive and authoritative IP surveys.


In 2017, Unitalen had outstanding achievements in both trademarks and patent firm rankings issued by MIP, listed in China Tier 1 for "trademark application" and "trademark litigation". Along with the two attorneys continued to be selected as “IP Stars” this time, it fully demonstrates the advantages of Unitalen in the overall strength and the excellence of our professionals.



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