
Joint Disciplinary Actions Imposed on Seriously Dishonest Conducts in IP Field

January 22, 2019

38 governmental departments including China's National Development and Reform Commission recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Joint Disciplinary Actions against Seriously Dishonest Entities in the Field of Intellectual Property (Patents). 6 kinds of conducts including repeated patent infringements and non-compliance will be considered as seriously dishonest in IP field (notably patent) and face cross-sectoral joint punishment.


According to the memorandum, a total of 33 joint disciplinary measures will be imposed, by which, not only the relevant seriously dishonest conducts will be recorded in the credit information system, the acting entities will face inadmissibility of applying for issuance of corporate bonds, restriction on establishment of financial institutions, restriction on purchase of real estate and state-owned property transactions.  (Source: China Radio Network)



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