
World IP Indicators of 2017 Published by WIPO

January 22, 2019

According to WIPO Indicators annual report issued recently, 3.17 million patent applications were filed globally in 2017 continuing the growth in the 8th consecutive year, up 5.8%.


The data shows that in 2017, the total number of trademark applications worldwide was 12.39 million, and the total number of applications for industrial designs was 1.24 million. China ranked first in both the above.


In addition, global plant variety filings increased by 11.7% in 2017 to 18,490; and according to the data from 82 national and regional authorities, there were approximately 59,500 protected geographical indications (GIs) in 2017.


Meanwhile, Asia remained as the most active area for patent filing. In 2017, patent applications received by Asian country offices accounted for 65.1% of the total global applications – a significant increase from 49.7% in 2007. (Source: Science and Technology Daily)



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